LoL gaming skills

Uncover valuable League of Legends gameplay insights and skill tips from the Reddit community.

Tips that could help directly improve League of Legends gaming skills

  • Reddit/r/leagueoflegends

  • Azir at 10: Mastering the Emperor of Shurima in League of Legends

    As Azir celebrates his 10th anniversary, players reflect on his evolution as a champion in League of Legends. Known for his high skill ceiling and unique mechanics, Azir offers players the ability to execute complex plays, such as the Shurima Shuffle, which can turn the tide of battles. His balance between competitive play and solo queue has made him a staple in professional gaming, while also presenting challenges for solo players. Azir's ability to shred tanks and provide peel for ADCs without sacrificing damage makes him a versatile pick. Mastering Azir requires precision and strategic thinking, rewarding dedicated players with a unique gameplay experience that feels like commanding an empire in battle.

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  • Worlds Pick'ems Insights: Key Predictions for League of Legends Championship

    In a detailed analysis of the upcoming League of Legends World Championship, a player shares insights on their Pick'ems choices, categorized by confidence levels. They predict that games will frequently last between 45-50 minutes, with Poppy emerging as a versatile pick across multiple roles. K'sante is expected to dominate as the most picked champion, while Alistar is likely to have the highest death count among supports. The player also speculates on potential pentakill candidates, with MDK Supa being a strong contender. They highlight BLG as a team to watch, anticipating their flexibility in champion picks due to recent nerfs. The analysis covers various predictions, including the most banned champions and the likelihood of reverse sweeps, providing a comprehensive guide for fans looking to enhance their understanding of the tournament dynamics.

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  • Reevaluating Jungle Leashing: A Call for Change in League of Legends

    In a recent discussion on r/leagueoflegends, a player expressed frustration over the current jungle mechanics, particularly the leashing system. They argue that the early spawn times of Red and Blue buffs force bot lanes to leash for junglers who often fail to start with Raptors or solo their buffs. This practice can lead to significant disadvantages in lane, especially in matchups where early pressure is crucial. The player highlights that many games are won or lost based on whether the enemy bot lane has to leash, which can result in a snowball effect. They suggest that delaying the spawn of jungle buffs could alleviate these issues, allowing junglers to adapt their strategies without relying on leashes that can compromise lane control and lead to early game losses.

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  • Bwipo's Streaming Brilliance: A Mix of Insightful Gameplay and Controversial Commentary

    Bwipo, a prominent League of Legends player, has been captivating audiences with his live streams, where he shares extensive knowledge about the game. His interactions on Discord with other professional players provide fans with a unique glimpse into the competitive scene, reminiscent of earlier days when pro players were more engaged with their audiences. Viewers appreciate his ability to articulate his thought process during gameplay, making it an educational experience. However, some feedback from the community highlights concerns about his communication style, particularly moments of harsh criticism towards teammates during games. Despite this, many fans find his content invaluable for improving their own skills and understanding of League of Legends.

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  • K'Sante Rework: Balancing Skill Expression and Accessibility in League of Legends

    The recent rework of K'Sante in League of Legends has sparked significant discussion among players regarding its impact on gameplay and champion identity. K'Sante was designed as a high-skill tank, allowing players to outplay opponents through strategic use of abilities. However, the changes introduced in the PBE have altered his gameplay dynamics, focusing on making him more accessible at the cost of his unique skill expression. Players express concerns that the removal of auto-attack resets and the introduction of attack speed modifiers detract from the champion's fluidity and strategic depth. The community is divided, with some appreciating the adjustments aimed at balancing his presence in pro play, while others fear that these changes will lead to a less engaging experience for dedicated K'Sante players. The ongoing dialogue emphasizes the need for Riot Games to balance champion design with player enjoyment and skill expression.

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  • Revolutionizing League of Legends: The League Config Manager for Enhanced Gameplay

    The League Config Manager is a new tool designed to help players manage and share their League of Legends settings, particularly beneficial for newcomers who may struggle with the game's default configurations. This application allows users to create multiple profiles tailored to different champions or playstyles, enabling them to experiment with settings used by professional players. A standout feature is the ability to lock settings, ensuring they remain consistent across games and accounts on the same PC. Future updates may include a website for sharing pro player settings and a streamlined method for importing profiles via URLs. The tool aims to enhance the gaming experience by simplifying the configuration process and fostering community sharing.

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